Historic publications and links.

Architectural heritage booklets

The Architectural Heritage of Christchurch is a series of historic booklets looking at specific buildings which had their existence threatened or were the subject of retention and conservation projects prior to the Canterbury Earthquakes of 2010-11.

The booklets also look at the architectural and social history of these buildings.

All the booklets in the series are available to download from Christchurch City Libraries(external link).


Contextual historical overview

The Contextual Historical Overview for Christchurch City is a report which examines Christchurch under the historical themes of Life in the City, The Built City, and Industry and Commerce. 

The report provides a broad overview and understanding of the city and its development in the last 150 years, which is pivotal for the future identification and management of heritage in Ōtautahi-Christchurch.

The report was commissioned for two reasons:

  • To present a general thematic history of Christchurch settlement and development.
  • To help the council review the existing heritage listings to identify any thematic gaps or potential items that should be added to the heritage inventory.

Contextual Historical Overview for Christchurch City 2005 [PDF, 20 MB]

In 2013 following the Canterbury Earthquakes, the Contextual Historical Overview for Christchurch City was revised.

Contextual Historical Overview for Christchurch City, Revised 2013 [PDF, 17 MB] 

In 2014 the Banks Peninsula Contextual Historical Overview and Thematic Framework was completed.

Banks Peninsula contextual historical overview and thematic framework - June 2014 [PDF, 28 MB]


The following maps are referenced in, and should be read in conjunction with, the Contextual Historical Overview for Christchurch City.

Christchurch City Libraries

Christchurch City Libraries hold physical and digital heritage resources. Digital material can also be found in the eResources(external link) section of the Libraries website, which includes Canterbury Stories(external link), the Discovery Wall(external link) and Digital Heritage Collections(external link). Contact Christchurch City Libraries(external link) for more information.