Discover how the unique Port Hills environment has changed over time and take a multi-sensory walk through majestic Podocarp forest.

Book a Learning Through Action school programme

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Programme overview

Year level 3 to 10
Curriculum level 1 to 6
Availability Year-round
Times 9.30 to 12noon or 12.15pm to 2.30pm
Site Victoria Park, Halswell Quarry Park
Cost Free
Number of students Maximum of 35
Special requirements None

Key concepts

  • History of Banks Peninsula and its ecosystems.
  • Native flora and fauna.
  • Pests and pest management.
  • Biodiversity.
  • Sustainability.

Lesson description

At Victoria Park or Halswell Quarry Park, students investigate how changing values are reflected in different landscapes on the Port Hills and Banks Peninsula.

Students discover the native flora and fauna that make up this special environment.

They will develop their tracking skills to gather information to find out which pests are in the area before learning how Rangers deploy pest management techniques.

Students will also consider the impact of pests and how they affect the sustainability of our local landscapes.

Learning outcomes

We are learning to:

  • Explore the different habitats that exist in Banks Peninsula and identify why they are valuable.
  • Explain how plants and animals that live in native forest and tussock lands are interdependent.
  • Explain how pests impact our native forests and explore some solutions to these problems.
  • Identify actions that they can take to encourage sustained growth of native animal and tree species.

Key competencies

Using language, symbols and texts

Students will interpret text and images to identify which pests are present in the Banks Peninsula area.


Students will use creative and critical thinking to understand the impact of introduced species and the importance of a variety of pest management techniques.

Managing self

Students will manage their learning and think and act independently in a variety of outdoor environments.

Participating and contributing

Students are invited to become actively involved in supporting Park Rangers’ efforts to eradicate pests from our native habitats.

Relating to others

Students are required to consider and suggest reasons for different groups of people recognising and placing a variety of values on different habitats.

Achievement objectives

Curriculum area Strand and level Objective
Nature of Science
Levels 2 to 6
Investigating in science
Communicating in science
Participating and contributing
Living World
Levels 2 to 6
Life processes
Planet Earth and Beyond
Levels 2 to 4
Earth systems
Social Sciences
Tikanga ā-Iwi
Levels 2 to 6 Social studies
Health and Physical Education
Healthy Communities and Environments
Levels 1 and 2
Societal attitudes and values
People and the environment