Proposed Digital Billboard at 80 Fitzgerald Ave

Proposal to erect a 36m² digital billboard onto the existing building.

Project status: Application completed
Open for submission: 13 May 2017 to 12 June 2017
Reference number: RMA/2015/2026
Applicant name: etcmedia Limited (C/-Wynn Williams)
Site address: 80 Fitzgerald Ave
Description of proposed activity: The applicant seeks resource consent to construct a sign at 80 Fitzgerald Avenue. Please see attached Assessment of Effects for further detail.
Phone: (03) 379 7622
Company: Wynn Williams

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Application and supporting documents [PDF, 14 MB]


Notice of hearing

Please note that the above resource consent application has been set down for a hearing before a Commissioner as follows:

 Date:     Thursday, 24th August 2017

Time:     9:00am 

Venue: Committee Room No. 2

                2nd Floor, Civic Offices

                53 Hereford Street

 Council officers’ report

 A copy of the Council officers’ report is attached for your information.

s42A Report




In accordance with Section 114 of the Resource Management Act 1991, please find below a link to a copy of the Council's decision on the above application.


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Who to contact

How the decision is made

  • Application completed

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