Option 1 (existing) – nets on western side of the park near the croquet club
This was the original option that went out for consultation in April/May 2019. The nets would be fully enclosed so they would be safer for park users than the existing open-ended nets. However, neighbours immediately next to the park indicated in their feedback that they did not support this location. This location was also not preferred by the Croquet Club. For these reasons, this option was not progressed.
Option 2 (existing) – fully enclosed nets on the eastern side of the park
This is the second option which was proposed following public consultation in April/May 2019. It takes into consideration feedback received as part of the consultation. Having the fully enclosed nets next to the tennis club rather than residential properties meant there would be less noise for immediate neighbours. This position is outside the boundaries of the cricket fields and would also not impact on the football fields in winter. However, some residents indicated concern over the size and scale of the nets, their impact on the park’s amenity and possible effects of shading on the path. For these reasons, this option was not progressed.
Option 3 (new) – full enclosed nets placed east-west immediately against the northern boundary fence
This option puts the nets right up against the fenceline on land in the northeast corner currently used by the temporary portacoms and existing cricket pavilion. This location is likely to impact on the immediate neighbours. It also does not meet the requirement in the District Plan for a 10m setback from the boundary fence, which would mean a Resource Consent would be needed. Even if a Resource Consent was granted, Option 3 would alter the layout of the already approved pavilion lease, pushing it five metres into the park. Moving things even five metres would impact on the layout of the cricket and football fields. For this and the other reasons stated, this option was not progressed.
Option 4 (new) – full enclosed nets placed east-west alongside the northern boundary fence
Similar to option 3, this option proposes that the fully enclosed nets be placed east-west along the northern boundary but with a 10m setback from the fence, adjacent to the location of the current portacoms and the existing cricket pavilion which are to be removed. This location would still likely have a noise impact on the immediate neighbours and would mean the path would need to go behind the nets. It would also require the new pavilion to be moved 15m to the south. This would affect the already approved pavilion lease, and would have a significant impact on the layout of the cricket and football fields. For this and the other reasons stated, this option was not progressed.
Option 5 (new) – full enclosed nets on land currently leased to the Croquet Club
This option proposes that the cricket nets be located in the southern part of the park, on land currently leased to the Croquet Club. This would reduce the nets’ visual impact on the park and would locate them well away from the cricket and football field boundaries. There would be an opportunity to increase the size of the nets, given that this option would require the Croquet Club to give up one of their four rinks, regardless of whether the existing size of 518sqm or larger was proposed. However, this option is not supported by the Croquet Club, who currently have an exclusive lease of this area.