How did we establish the preferred option?
The proposed ponds are Council’s preferred option for this catchment. It was selected from a wide range of options as it provides the best improvements in flood storage and water quality upstream of the new pump station. The preferred option also needed to have a reliable outcome and low or infrequent maintenance.
Existing limitations and opportunities within the Knights Drain catchment were identified and mapped. The limitations include ground levels, existing storm water network, other services, depth to groundwater, soil drainage potential, predicted flood depth and extent, and historic and current land use.
The wide range of options developed within the limitations were considered against using a multi-values assessment to establish the preferred option. The assessment included:
- Christchurch City Council six values (ecology,landscape, recreation, heritage, culture and drainage)
- Non-flood assessment criteria (resilience including reduction of other hazards e.g. lateral spreading, constructability, ease of implementing the works, disruption to the public, and operations and maintenance).
What were the other options?
Options for providing water quality and flood storage improvements were developed and combined. Eight combined options were compared using a multi-values assessment. These options included:
- The preferred option
- Storage basins in other locations, such as Bexley Park or the Residential Red Zone
- Large filter systems at the pump station or rain gardens on streets throughout the catchment to improve water quality
Why is Council’s proposed option preferred?
The proposed option is not the cheapest of the options but the multi-criteria assessment clearly showed that it provided the best value for the community as it best met the objectives of the project and achieved the highest overall ranking. Other options had similar capital cost as Council’s preferred option but they did not score as well on other criteria. The preferred option has a high number of benefits, including:
- It is located at an existing low point in the catchment and adjacent to the Knights Drain, Knights Pond and the new pump station
- Groundwater is very shallow in this location and the existing soil is poorly drained, so the location is suitable for construction of ponds
- There are existing residential properties in this location that are likely to be flooded in extreme rainfall events. The preferred option removes the residents from this risk
- There are no known contamination sites in this location, but there are known sites in other locations which would make an option in those locations more costly and more difficult to construct
- Improved landscape, drainage and ecological outcomes, particularly with a wet basin, in comparison to the other options
- A pond in the proposed location keeps all stormwater assets in one location, adjacent to the existing Knights Drain and Pump Station. This reduces operations and maintenance requirements
- Provides a resilient long term outcome for remaining low-lying properties that will be impacted negatively by sea level rise
For further information you can read the Knights Drain Investigation Stormwater Management Options Assessment Report [PDF, 5.1 MB]