Halswell Rugby League Football Club have made an application to Council for a new lease for a pavilion rebuild and a sports field lighting upgrade.
The Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board at their meeting on 15 September 2020 approved the application by Halswell Rugby League Football Club for:
- a new lease for a pavillion rebuild, and
-sports field lighting upgrade.
Consultation has now closed and 23 submissions were received. Of those, 21 supported the lighting upgrade and all 23 support the lease application.
The full table of results [PDF, 1.5 MB] is available.
The Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board will consider the staff reports for a decision at their meeting on 15 September 2020.
Kia ora
Unfortunately, the drop-in we had planned for Thursday 2 April at the Halswell Domain, has been cancelled. We will continue to accept submissions up to the closure date. After that this consultation will go on hold until further notice.
The health and wellbeing of our residents is important to us. We’re following the Government’s directive about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and cancelling all of our planned public meetings and gatherings.
However, I’m very happy to answer any questions you might have about this project, or discuss it in more detail, either by phone or email.
Visit covid19.govt.nz(external link) for everything you need to know about COVID-19 in one place. Learn the simple steps you can take to unite against the virus and slow its spread, find out what help is available and get the latest updates.
Ngā mihi
Halswell Rugby League Football Club (Halswell RLFC) plan to demolish their main building (564m²) on Halswell Domain and to replace it with a new pavilion building(760m²). The proposed new building will be next to the existing changing rooms looking over the Club’s main playing field, making it less visually intrusive from the road. It is architecturally designed with a lower profile and is more in keeping with the park environment.
Currently the Club have two separate leases covering three separate buildings – the existing pavilion, the changing rooms, and a storage/weight training building. To make it more simple the Club and Council plan to surrender both of these leases and create one new combined lease for all three buildings – for a standard term of 33 years. The new lease will be in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977. Fees and charges for the ground lease will comply with Council’s ‘Recreation and Sports Organisations Rating Ground Charges Policy’.
Click on images below to see enlarged view.
Talk to the team
If you have anything you would like to discuss with council staff we will be on site for a chat.
Thursday 2 April
Any time between 4.30pm and 6pm
Halswell RLFC clubrooms
Halswell Domain
Note: this is subject to change - depending on our Coronavirus status at that time.
If submitters on the lease proposal request to be heard, a hearing panel will meet after July 2020 before making recommendation to the Community Board for a final decision. Sports field lighting upgrades will be decided directly by the Community Board.
Halswell RLFC also plan to replace the lighting on both their playing fields. The 12 existing lighting poles would be removed and replaced with 8 new poles with new improved lighting technology. These are shown on the accompanying plan:
The lighting would be used during training Monday to Friday between 5.30pm and 8.00pm from 1st February to 31st August.
The lights comply with the rules for glare and light spill in the Christchurch District Plan.
A plan is available [JPG, 138 KB] showing Halswell RLFC existing and proposed building locations and proposed new light pole locations on Halswell Domain.