This project involves replacing the kerb and channel along Griffiths Avenue along with some road re-shaping, minor pavement repairs and landscaping.
The revised timeframe for this project has now been confirmed. Construction is now due to begin September 2020.
A stop sign and additional yellow no stopping markings have been proposed for Griffiths Avenue as a requirement of the recent safety audit. Adjacent neighbours will be notified by letter mid June.
The Council’s draft Long Term Plan for this year is proposing a change to the construction funding year for the Griffiths Avenue project, between Rudds Road and Nicholas Drive in Linwood. The proposed change is:
Originally planned 2018- 2019
Proposed in draft Long Term Plan 2021 – 2022
Funding for this project is still available. If the current draft Long Term Plan is approved by Council, it is anticipated that the Project Team would look to start construction of this project in September 2021 instead of in September 2018.
If you would like to provide feedback on the Griffiths Avenue project or any other projects in the draft Long Term Plan, before it is finalised, then you can do this online(external link) from 9 March 2018 to 13 April 2018.
There is also additional information on the Long Term Plan available on the Council Newsline page(external link).
During this time we heard from 5 individuals and groups. You can read their feedback view the staff report(external link) and also find out how this influenced the Community Board decison(external link).
Construction works relating to this project are anticipated to commence in September/October 2018. However this is dependant on weather conditions and contractor availability.
If you require any further information in relation to this project please contact Senior Engagement Advisor Tara King on (03) 941 5938 or via email on
Due to the condition of the existing damaged kerb and channel in Griffiths Avenue causing ponding in the street, the Council has allocated funding to allow it to be replaced. Kerb and channel (sometimes also referred to as kerb and gutter) is a concrete or stone structure normally located at the edge of a road and is designed to provide road drainage and to act as a barrier to prevent vehicles from leaving the road carriageway.
Griffiths Avenue looking towards Rudds Road
This project proposes the following work:
Earthquake damaged kerb and channel patch repair work has taken place previously in Griffiths Avenue via SCIRT (Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team). Where possible these patches will be retained as part of this project. However in order to deter the boy racer behaviour at the Rudds Road and Griffiths Avenue intersection, the previous reconstruction work at this location will need to be reworked in order to narrow the intersection.
Come and meet the project team at a street meeting. You can ask us a question or pass on any helpful local information to assist us with this project.
Date: Monday 15 May 2017
Time: 8.30 am
Location: At the intersection of Griffiths Avenue and Rudds Road.
Please note: If it is raining the street meeting will take place on Tuesday 16 May instead.
Once the consultation period has closed, the project team will analyse the feedback and this may result in further changes to the draft concept plan. This information will then be used to produce a staff report which will go to the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board who will make a decision on this project. At this stage we are anticipating that a decision will be made at the August 2017 meeting.
For more information you can view the public information leaflet for Griffiths Avenue.