Cass Bay toilet renewal

We'd like your feedback on the two layout and location options for the new toilets we're placing at Cass Bay

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 26 July 2019 to 12 August 2019

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27 September 2019 update -  Plans approved

On Monday 16 September 2019, the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū/Banks Peninsula Community Board approved the proposal to replace the Cass Bay toilets and to place the new three-cubicle toilet building next to the northern fence line.

You can view the meeting minutes, which include the formal resolutions, online at link)

We expect site works to begin late 2019/early 2020, with the existing toilets remaining in use. The new toilets are planned to be in place by the end of autumn 2020.

Consultation has closed 

Consultation on the Cass Bay toilet renewal project has now closed and we received feedback from 61 individuals and groups. You can find more information here:

A brief overview of the results:

Location 1 – Against the fence line

Location 2 – Next to the playground

Not indicated


45 (74%)

14 (23%)

2 (3%)



Layout 2 – Three cubicle design

Layout 1 – Two cubicle design

Not indicated

No preference


41 (67%)

17 (28%)

2 (3%)

1 (2%)


What we are doing and why 

We’re proposing to replace the existing Cass Bay toilets with a new, fully accessible toilet block that can also function as changing rooms. The current toilet block, located beside the playground, has a urinal, a men's cubicle and two women’s cubicles, but it’s not fully accessible and has ongoing maintenance issues.

Cass Bay is becoming an increasingly popular place to visit, and we need to make sure that the toilets can keep up with current and future demands.

We’d like your feedback on the two layout and location options for the new toilet block.

Layout and location options 

Toilet layout one - A slightly cheaper option that provides two large fully accessible unisex cubicles that can be used as changing rooms.
Full plans for the 2 cubicle toilet layout 1 [PDF, 1.4 MB] 

Toilet layout two - This option will provide three unisex cubicles, with two smaller and one larger fully accessible cubicle that can act as a changing room.
Click to download full plans for the 3 cubicle toilet layout 2. [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Please note the baby change table on the plans will not be installed.

Location option 1 - Against northeastern fenceline (see photo and concept plans above).
Location option 2 - At existing toilet site (see photo and concept plans above).

Features of the proposed new toilets

The toilet facility we are proposing has the following features:

  • Fully accessible
  • Two external showers
  • Function as changing facilities
  • Signage in braille
  • Timber cladding design to fit the Cass Bay environment

Other features of the site:

  • New sealed pathway improving accessibility
  • A water fountain, tap and dog drinking station

Toilet location options - Pros and cons

We are proposing two possible locations for the new toilet block. Both options have their pros and cons. We’d like to know which location you prefer.



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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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