Christchurch City Council would like to receive feedback from community regarding the proposed pedestrian safety and accessibility upgrades for seven intersections within Akaroa township.
Consultation has now closed
Consultation on Akaroa pedestrian safety and accessibility improvements has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from Tuesday 18 April to Wednesday 10 May 2017.
During this time we heard from 55 individuals and groups. The Akaroa Pedestrian Safety Project Feedback Results [PDF, 79 KB] are now available.
Minor safety improvements to various pedestrian crossing points in Akaroa were completed in March 2018. Works included new tactile pavers, signage, and minor intersection improvements.
What and why
A recent review of Akaroa’s accessibility and pedestrian facilities identified some non compliances with New Zealand Transport Authority (NZTA) Guidelines. To address all non compliances at once would be very costly so Council aims to upgrade these facilities over time.
This is to inform you of the first upgrades at seven intersections within the township. Each of the seven upgrades is to support Akaroa becoming more accessible and safer for all users including:
The proposed features will enhance levels of service for both residents and visitors. For details of each intersection please refer to the scheme plan [PDF, 1.7 MB].
The Draft Akaroa Township Public Realm Guidelines (2009), which aim to balance developmental needs with retaining the special character of Akaroa also identifies the importance of public safety and well being.
Yellow tactile pavers are a safety element recommended by NZTA RTS 14 Guidelines and Christchurch City Council policies are aligned with these.
Installation of yellow tactile pavers has already been considered and endorsed by Canterbury’s Blind Foundation representative and the Banks Peninsula Community Board. Therefore Council is not seeking further feedback on installation of yellow tactile pavers.
Council seeks your feedback, both for or against the project, and appreciates your time taken to respond with a submission. The features being consulted on are:
After the engagement period closes all responses will be compiled into a spreadsheet. Copies of this spreadsheet will then be provided to the project team and the Banks Peninsula Community Board.
Once staff have considered your submissions a written report is developed with a staff recommendation for Community Board decision. The report will be sent to Community Board to be placed on their next available meeting agenda. Your elected members on the Community Board are the decision makers on this project.
All submitters will then be notified by letter to confirm the date of the above meeting and how to request speaking rights if you would like a time slot to present your submission as a deputation to Community Board.
This process usually takes approximately three months to complete. It can take longer if there are unusual or complex decisions to be considered in conjunction with the project.