Estimate of development contributions charge

The online development contributions estimator provides an estimate of development contributions charges for one additional residential unit or lot. The online estimator is free to use.

How the online estimator works

Enter the address of the development site in the search address text box at the top of the map or use the map to zoom in on the property and select to view.

  • For developments of more than one residential unit you will need to multiply the estimate by the number of additional new units.
  • Any existing demand credits for an existing or previous building on the lot will not be included in the estimate. Credits last for 10 years from when a previous development last put demand on Council infrastructure. If your development is replacing like for like (such as one home replacing a previous home) there will normally not be a development contribution required. If your development is replacing one previous residential unit with three new units then you will normally get a credit for the one previous unit.
  • An adjustment is made to the development contributions required for a small residential unit with a gross floor area of less than 100m². The adjustment is made on a sliding scale in proportion to the gross floor area from 100% down to a maximum of 35%, i.e., a 50m2 unit will pay 50% of the normal development contribution charge.

Our assessors can prepare an estimate for you

Our Development Contributions Team can prepare a full estimate of your development contributions requirement which, depending on the quality of information you provide about your development, can be prepared to a high degree of accuracy. The estimate will be provided to you within three working days.

This service costs $100, which must be paid prior to the estimate being prepared. 

Please complete the Request for Estimate of Development Contribution form [PDF, 128 KB]. A Word version [DOC, 267 KB] is also available.

Email the completed form to 

Estimates for non-residential development

The online estimator cannot calculate development contributions required for commercial or other non-residential developments. These are assessed on a case-by-case basis taking into account the activity to be undertaken and the location of the development.

Our assessors can undertake an estimate for you – the $100 fee applies to this service. 

See above to request an estimate. 

Important note

All information provided by the online estimator is indicative only. The actual development contributions charge is determined when a full assessment is undertaken by the Council's Development Contributions team. This is normally undertaken at the time a relevant consent or approval for development is issued.

Development contributions estimator

To view the estimated development contributions:

  • Enter the address in the search box below and select the address from the drop-down, or;
  • Use the map to zoom in on the property and select to view.
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  1. Information provided by the online estimator is designed to give an indication of the development contribution charges that may be required for a development. The Council disclaims any legal liability for the estimate, and makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of the estimate.
  2. A formal development contributions assessment will be provided following lodgement of a consent application.
  3. The estimate generated by the estimator is based on the Development Contributions Policy in effect at the time. If the policy changes before lodgement of a consent application, the estimate may become outdated.

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