As you approach an intersection, focus on what is happening around you and make sure to look around. Poor observation and distraction is a factor in over 40% of all crashes at intersections.
Every year there are a high number of intersection crashes in Christchurch so be ‘onto it’ at intersections and stay safe on our roads.
In Christchurch, 60% of crashes occurred at intersections between 2017 and 2021.
Being 'onto it' at intersections is a way we can all keep safer on roads. We are rolling out a number of initiatives to improve safety at intersections:
Red light safety cameras have been installed to reduce dangerous driving, help save lives and support Road to Zero, New Zealand’s road safety strategy.
The new red light cameras are located at the intersection of:
The cameras will catch drivers who run a red light at these intersections. They may then receive an infringement notice from police.
Running a red light to save a few seconds of your trip can be dangerous for yourself and others.
You can read more about the red light cameras on Newsline.(external link)
How you can be onto it while your on the roads.
As you approach an intersection, focus on what is happening around you and make sure to look around. Poor observation and distraction is a factor in over 40% of all crashes at intersections.
Ease up on your speed(external link), as your speed increases, the distance you need in order to stop increases and you have less time to react.
Don't chance it, a yellow light means stop unless you're so close to the intersection that you can't stop safely. A red light means stop(external link). Failing to give way is a factor in 28% of crashes in Christchurch.
Before turning or crossing into the path of others(external link), make sure to check your surroundings.
Before you cross an intersection(external link) make sure you can make it to the other side.
Two months into a six-month trial, a solar-powered camera mounted outside a Christchurch school is helping to improve driver behaviour, and there are plans for six more across the city.
19 Dec 2024A new partnership between Council, Bike On Trust and Waka Kotahi is supporting students to get the maximum benefit from their bikes and school tracks.
26 Sep 2023The Christchurch City Council today moved to reduce speeds outside all schools across the city and Banks Peninsula to 30km/h, with the approval of the Safe Speed Neighbourhoods Interim (phase one) Speed Management Plan.
5 Jul 2023