Book a Learning Through Action school programme
If you are booking the A Waste of Time - Hangaruatia(external link) programme, free bus transport is currently available thanks to Eco Central and Ritchies Bus Company.
Risk analysis and management information (RAMS) will be sent out once a programme booking is confirmed. If you require this at any other stage please email or contact us(external link).
If you're struggling to find enough adult helpers for a programme, let us know - we may have a solution.
Check out the Learning Through Action programme booklet [PDF, 2.2 MB] for more information.

Learning Through Action offers free Council run education programmes that are experiential and interactive. These programmes encourage students to be immersed in unique environments and learn about conservation, ecosystems, sustainability, biodiversity, native trees and plants and organic waste.
The Botanic Gardens is an ideal setting for school groups interested in relevant and authentic environmental learning experiences. The Gardens offers great facilities, large lawns studded with huge old trees, conservatories full of carnivorous and creeping plants and a visitor centre with interactive displays - perfect for exploring, playing and learning.