If the proposed change to your building consent does not differ significantly from the plans and specifications to which it relates, it can be processed as an application for a minor variation. You can find more information on what is a minor variation(external link) on the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment's (MBIE) website.
Depending on the change, an application for a minor variation can be processed by the Council either by:
- a building inspector on-site; or
- a building consent officer when submitted as an application.
All applications for a minor variation must be authorised by the owner. If the ownership has changed since the building consent was issued, you also need to submit evidence of ownership e.g. record of title, lease, agreement for sale and purchase, other document (showing full name of legal owner(s) of the building).
Minor variation processed by a building inspector on-site
Minor variations that a building inspector can process on-site are changes that are easily established as not reducing the degree of compliance with the building code. For instance, a product substitution with a comparable product (where that product is not specific to a proprietary system), or minor detail changes that are within the scope of an acceptable solution or the specified manufacture's technical specifications.
Examples of on-site minor variation may include but are not limited to:
- as-built plans for the drains that do not change the system type
- roof truss as-built layout by an accredited fabricator that does not include a significant change to the location of concentrated loads
- product substitution of a building wrap, roof underlay or tanking membrane
- change of location of a sanitary fixture, bracing element, meter board, gas bottles or smoke alarms
- change to a flashing detail within the scope of an acceptable solution for Clause E2
- an increase in specification such as using a higher grade of timber treatment, higher concrete strength, glue-laminated timber instead of sawn timber, additional surface water sump, increased dimension of framing member or framing members at closer centres.
Building inspectors can process the above type of minor variations during the building inspection. The details of the minor variation need to be provided in written form (two copies) and require owner or owner's agent approval, but do not require an application for minor variation form to be completed. If the ownership has changed since the building consent was issued, the inspector requires evidence of authorisation by the new owner(s) before the minor variation can be processed on-site.
The building inspector's decision on the minor variation will be recorded on the inspection site notice. Talk to the building inspector if you are unsure about whether the proposed minor variation can be processed on-site.
Minor variation processed by a building consent officer
A proposed change to a building consent that can be defined as a minor variation may involve a technical assessment beyond what is practicable to be processed by the building inspector while on-site.
To apply for a minor variation, complete and supply the following information either via Online Services(external link) or by email to minorvariation@ccc.govt.nz:
These applications for minor variation will be processed by a building consent officer and will be processed, where possible, within 48 hours of receiving a complete application. If the application for a minor variation is considered to be a significant change to the plans and specifications to which the building consent relates, you need to apply for an amendment to a building consent.
Ensure your minor variation is granted prior to undertaking the building work. The approved minor variation documents must be on-site at the next building inspection.