The group meets monthly.
The Accessibility Advisory Group (AAG) provides lived experience advice to help Council staff and promote inclusion as a core aspect of all Council projects and services.
Further information about this group is available by:
The group meets monthly.
The purpose of the group is to provide a forum for people with disabilities to participate in the planning of Council services, projects, and activities in order to ensure that the needs of the wider disability community are taken into account.
The Accessibility Advisory Group (AAG) is facilitated by the Council's Inclusive Communities Coordinator. They provide advice to managers and staff in removing barriers to active participation for disabled people in their own communities.
The Council is committed to its partnership with the Canterbury District Health Board's CDHB Health in all policies advisor. The Health in All Policies Advisor provides advice and support to the AAG, adopting a health determinants approach, and providing health in all policies advice.
Members should:
The appointment is for two years, with the right of renewal for one further term. Completion of tenure should be on a rotational basis in order to maintain continuity and consolidation of the knowledge base.
The AAG members receive a meeting fee of $50 per meeting (gross), and may also be reimbursed for additional transport costs such as taxi vouchers if required. Members are responsible for any individual taxation requirements.
The Accessibility Advisory Group is accountable to the Council through ongoing liaison with the Community Partnerships and Planning Manager, and more directly through the AAG facilitator, who is the Inclusive Communities Coordinator.
Communication between members and the disability community is through the member's contacts with the sector. It is expected that members will consult with, and provide feedback to and from the disability sector, on relevant issues as required.
An AAG member must inform the Council if any conflict of interest situation arises while they are on the AAG, or if any circumstance arises that could be a risk for the Council, or that could bring the AAG member, or the Council, into disrepute.
The Accessibility Advisory Group has a section on the Council's website which explains its purpose. The AAG meeting notes are posted monthly on the Council's website.
The support and servicing of the group is the responsibility of the Community Partnerships and Planning Team through the Inclusive Communities Coordinator.
The Accessibility Advisory Group has a work plan, which is updated regularly. Activities within this work plan are aligned with the Council's strategic directions and any relevant outcomes of the Long Term Plan (LTP). Key issues in the sector are also included.
Meeting agendas and meeting notes are emailed to members for their records.
Assistance to enable participation, such as a sign language interpreter, or other support that a person needs to participate in the AAG, will be provided at meetings if required.
Also, members may bring a support person to meetings as needed. Should any further support be required, members need to discuss their individual support requirements with the Inclusive Communities Coordinator.
Accessibility Advisory Group meetings are usually held monthly in the Council building in Hereford Street, or at a time and place agreed as suitable by the majority of the group's members.
Meetings are generally two hours in length. At times, meetings are subject to change based on the Council's work requirements of the Inclusive Communities Coordinator.
Some meetings will be held in the wards and include ward community advisors and community board members.
Previous submissions endorsed by the Accessibility Advisory Group (formerly Disability Advisory Group) and collated by Community and Public Health, Canterbury District Health Board are available on request.