Founded in 1881, Lancaster Park has a rich sporting history and is an important landmark in the southeast of the city.
After being damaged in the 2010/11 Canterbury earthquakes, the stadium had to be closed. It was eventually demolished in 2018–2019, and planning began on an extensive redevelopment of the park.
We had early discussions with the major sporting codes who were united in showing a strong interest in establishing shared facilities on the park.
In 2019 we created a spatial plan for the site in collaboration with community and sporting groups. Ongoing collaborative planning has helped to ensure that the facilities best meet the collective needs of these key stakeholders and the wider community.
Redevelopment work at Lancaster Park began in April 2021 with the creation of green recreational space and community sports fields.
Recent milestones have included the restoration and rededication of the heritage Memorial Gates(external link) and the planting of more than 11,000 native trees(external link), which many of the groups have helped to plant.
Additional planting is planned and there are also provisions for a playground, which will be situated on the eastern side, just south of the community centre.