Riverlea Estate Drive proposed speed limit change

The Council are proposing to reduce the speed limit on Riverlea Estate Drive to 30km/h in the residential area, this will better reflect the speed that road users should be travelling at.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 19 June 2017 to 10 July 2017

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Riverlea Estate Drive, Kainga:  Proposed speed limit change has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 19 June 2017 to 10 July 2017.

During this time we heard from 35 individuals. You can read their feedback and also find out how this influenced the Community Board(external link) recommendation and view the staff report(external link) which was discussed at the 11 August 2017 Papanui-Innes Community Board meeting.  The final decision on this project was made by Council at their 14 September 2017 meeting.(external link)

Please note that the signage and road markings associated with this project are now expected to be installed before the end of 2017.  The speed reduction will commence once the signage has been installed.

For any further information on this project please contact Senior Engagement Advisor Tara King on (03) 941 5938 or via email on tara.king@ccc.govt.nz


Riverlea Estate Drive is the access road to Riverlea Estate, which is a small riverside settlement.  The existing carriageway is 6 metres wide with no footpaths or kerb and channel.  Pedestrians choose to either walk along the berm or on the road, cars are often parked on the grass berms and drivers generally drive to these conditions.

The existing 50km/h is the default urban speed limit and does not reflect the nature of this settlement.  There is not the usual road infrastructure you would see on a city street and the road does not link into the wider roading network.  As a result of this a 50km/h speed limit is not an appropriate speed for Riverlea Estate.


The Council are proposing to reduce the speed limit on Riverlea Estate Drive to 30km/h in the residential area.  This will better reflect the speed that road users should be travelling at and it will make Riverlea Estate Drive consistent with other riverside and beachside settlements such as Pines Beach and Waikuku Beach.

Riverlea Estate Drive

Riverlea Estate Drive


Riverlea Estate Drive is located off Kainga Road. This area is currently used by rowing clubs and has anglers access to the Waimakariri River.

What happens next

Once the consultation period has closed, the project team will analyse the feedback and produce a staff report which will go to the Papanui-Innes Community Board for a recommendation to Council who will then make the final decision. 

At this stage we are anticipating that a recommendation will be made by the Community Board at their August 2017 meeting.  With the final decision being made at the following Council meeting in September 2017.  If the proposal is approved the change is expected to take place from October 2017. 

All submitters will receive written updates on the project, including details of the staff recommendations and meetings, and how to request to speak at the meeting if they wish to do so.

Changing speed limits

The Christchurch City Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2010 allows the Council to set and change speed limits on roads within Christchurch.  The authority for the Council to do this is contained in the Land Transport Rule, Setting of Speed Limits 2003 Rule 54001 and the Christchurch City Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2010(external link).  

Proposed plan

We would appreciate your feedback on the proposed plan for a speed reduction within the residential area in Riverlea Estate Drive.


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[PDF, 6.9 MB]

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  • Decision made

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