As part of the installation of Major Cycle Routes, some sections of these routes are proposed to be constructed as neighbourhood greenways. To allow for a safe shared space bikes and vehicles, a reduced speed is proposed.
Consultation on the Uni-Cycle Major Cycle Route: proposed 30km speed limit was undertaken from Tuesday 30 May 2017 to Tuesday 20 June 2017. A total of 47 submissions were received during that period. Of these submissions, 31 supported the proposed speed reduction, 6 generally supported the plan but had some concerns, while 10 did not support the plan. All submissions (with names and addresses removed for privacy reasons) are available to view online [PDF, 49 KB]
The decision-making process
The schemes being presented to the ITE Committee for consideration will include the two options below:
The speed reduction option provides the highest level of safety for all road users and remains the project teams preferred solution. The staff report will be recommending that Council adopt the preferred option.
As part of the installation of Major Cycle Routes, some sections of these routes are proposed to be constructed as neighbourhood greenways, where cyclists share the road space with vehicles. These greenways are provided on low volume roads with a slow speed environment.
To allow for a safe shared space for people on bikes and vehicles, a reduced speed limit of 30km/hr is proposed. This lower speed limit is also supported by the design which includes various traffic calming measures to further encourage slower speeds.
The Council is seeking feedback on the reduced speed limit on an area that extends from Ngahere Street to Clyde Road.
The Christchurch City Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2010 allows the Council to set and change speed limits on roads within Christchurch.
The authority for the Council to do this is contained in the Land Transport Rule, Setting of Speed Limits 2003 Rule 54001 and the Christchurch City Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2010.
For further information visit: link)
The Council must apply the guidelines of Speed Limits New Zealand to determine the calculated speed limit when considering a change.