We're proposing a permanent 30 km/h speed limit in central Riccarton.
We're also recommending a 40 km/h speed limit through adjacent side streets between Riccarton Road and Riccarton Bush.
On Tuesday 16 June 2020, the Halswell- Hornby- Riccarton Community Board decided to recommend to Council that it approves with no changes the speed reduction proposals as presented in the staff report (Riccarton Road and Rata Street areas – proposed speed limit changes). These are:
A speed limit reduction from 50 km/h to 30 km/h
The Council then approved the proposal on 13 August 2020.
Consultation feedback [PDF, 918 KB]
A detailed summary of consultation and options considered [PDF, 71 KB]
30 km/h proposal
The 30 km/h proposal aims to support the road layout changes being made to make the street safer and more attractive. The area covers Riccarton Road between Matipo Street and Straven Road including the retail sections of Rotherham and Division streets.
40 km/h proposal
The 40 km/h recommendation is in response to residents' concerns about driver speeding and short-cutting in the area.
Slowing down saves lives, with a strong link between speed and safety on our roads., especially in a busy shopping centre like Riccarton.
We want our roads to be as safe as possible, so we are reviewing speed limits across out network where there are concerns they are not safe or appropriate.
Choosing speed limits that match conditions on specific roads is one of the most important ways we can help everyone using the roads to travel safely and reach where they need to go.
A reduced speed limit of 30 km/h on this section of Riccarton Road, combined with the new road layout, will help drivers to adjust to an environment with a lot of pedestrians.
40 km/h speed limits are already in place on the adjacent side streets in suburbs such as Woolston, Sumner, Halswell and Addington, to meet NZTA guidelines for residential areas.
At this stage in Riccarton we're only considering speed limit changes to residential streets adjacent to the new Riccarton Road project. Other residential areas across the city are being reviewed as part of an ongoing programme.
Tuesday 28 January 3pm to 6pm
Rārākau: Riccarton Centre
Downstairs meeting room
199 Clarence Street, Riccarton
Consultation is open until Monday 10 February