Sparks Road (Halswell Road Intersection)

Proposed footpath improvements.

Consultation on Sparks Road has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 8 to 29 May 2017.

Updated plans were accepted by the Waipuna/Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board on 11 December 2018.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 8 May 2017 to 29 May 2017

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Following a request from the Waipuna/Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board we reviewed the project. We presented updated plans to the Community Board taking community feedback into consideration to make footpath repairs, remove one tree in poor condition and to retain all on street parking outside the old Halswell Library building. These plans were accepted on 11 December 2018.

Updated Plans [PDF, 341 KB]

You can view the meeting minutes, which include the formal resolutions, online at link)

We expect works to begin early in May 2019 and to be completed by the end of June 2019. 


Thank you for responding to the consultation and commenting on the proposal. All responses have now been analysed for a report to be considered at the Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board meeting on Tuesday 12 September 2017. 

Click here to see the feeback table.  [PDF, 211 KB]


Please note: We are aware of some technical issues with Council’s Have Your Say online engagement form. 

Once you submit your online submission form you should receive an automated acknowledgement email from Council. If you do not receive this email it means we may not have received your submission. If this happens, please contact Lori Rankin on (03) 941 8355 or

Footpath outside the former library

Christchurch City Council is proposing footpath improvements on the north side of Sparks Road outside the old Halswell Library (381 Sparks Road), and the installation of a zebra pedestrian crossing over the left turning lane from Halswell Road onto Sparks Road.

The footpath forms part of a safe route to school for children attending Halswell Primary School. Earlier work has been completed to improve this route for children. This includes the installation of a shared footpath further east on Sparks Road and the introduction of a red right turning arrow for vehicles turning from Halswell Road onto Sparks Road to protect children while they are crossing. The footpath improvement, in conjunction with the zebra pedestrian crossing over the left turn lane on Halswell Road, will complete a series of works to create a safer route to school for children.

This footpath has also been damaged by nearby tree roots creating trip hazards and is under the standard minimum width of 1.5 metres.

To protect the trees and avoid damage to the new footpath, Council propose to relocate the footpath closer to the road which will remove the parking bay adjacent to the library on Sparks Road. The relocated footpath will be widened into a three metre wide shared footpath to accommodate children walking and riding their bikes to school.

We would like to hear your views on this proposal.

Features of this proposalRoot damage to the footpath

  • A new three metre wide shared path located on the north side of Sparks Road outside the old Halswell Library. This will tie in with the shared path further east along Sparks Road.
  • Removal of the P30 parking bay outside the old Halswell Library by extending the footpath out to the existing kerb and channel.
  • Localised widening and reseal of the footpath on Halswell Road along the west side of the old Halswell Library.
  • A raised zebra pedestrian crossing across the left turn lane on Halswell Road entering Sparks Road.
  • Tactile pavers at the crossing points as outlined on the plan.
  • The existing cycle lane on Sparks Road extending past the old Halswell Library will remain.


  • Monday 8 May 2017 - Consultation opens
  • Monday 29 May 2017 - Consultation closes
  • July 2017 - Submitters notified of the consultation outcome and invited to the Community Board Recommendation Meeting
  • July 2017 - Community Board Recommendation Meeting
  • Spring 2017 - Construction to commence (subject to Community Board approval). 

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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