We are seeking comment on changes to Quarrymans Trail cycleway and speed limit change on Sparks Road between Hendersons Road and Milns Reserve.
Consultation on Sparks Road cycleway update and speed limit change has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 24 August 2018 to Wednesday 12 September 2018.
Feedback received [PDF, 324 KB]
Submission 18855 [PDF, 6.9 MB]
Attachment to submission 18553 [PDF, 1.9 MB]
A report will be presented to the Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee for project approval at their meeting on Wednesday 7 November 2018. The agenda will be available on the Council website from Friday 2 November 2018.
On Wednesday 7 November 2018, the Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee decided to approve the staff recommendation of:
The Committee also added an additional recommendation:
We consulted with the community on the Quarryman's Trail Major Cycle Route in 2017, with construction planned for 2018/2019. At that time the path was planned to go on the northwest side of Sparks Road, between Hendersons Road and Milns Reserve by the Orion substation. This was shown on the drawings sent to all residents along the route.
Final design has shown the location on the northwest side not to be a practical option due to:
Due to the issues above, our designers have investigated an alternative option.
Frankleigh Street section of Quarrymans Trail
This option has:
This change will mean cyclists will not have to cross Sparks Road at the busy Hendersons Road/Sparks Road intersection to continue on the cycleway through to Milns Reserve.
The traffic lights will make it easier for people cycling on Sparks Road southwest of the cycleway to connect to the cycle path.
This connection will also help people get to and from popular cycle tracks around Halswell Quarry and Kennedys Bush.
As a result of the increased activity, and future developments, the current 80km/h speed limit is no longer suitable and Council are proposing to reduce the speed limit to 60km/h where it is currently 70km/h and 80km/h.
The proposed change would also affect a section of Hendersons Road as it approaches the current Sparks Road roundabout from Halswell Road.
The Christchurch City Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2010 allows the Council to set and change speed limits on roads within Christchurch. The authority for the Council to do this is contained in the Land Transport Rule, Setting of Speed Limits 2003 Rule 54001 and the Christchurch City Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2010.
The planned new speed would be implemented at the same time the cycleway is built. Timing for construction is between November 2018 and April 2019.