We have two bylaws prohibiting building or performing earthworks in a Maintenance Access Corridor (the corridor) as defined in the two bylaws, unless authorised by the Council.
The bylaws are:
The Water Supply and Wastewater Bylaw 2022
The provisions are:
“Maintenance Access Corridor means the land required to access any part of the water supply system or the wastewater system for maintenance purposes.”
Clause 7:
Where the Council’s infrastructure or asset is a pipe, the Maintenance Access Corridor width is calculated by the Council as the greater of either:
(a) twice the buried depth of the pipe (surface to trench base), plus the outside diameter of the pipe; or
(b) 1.5 metres from either side of the centre of the pipe.
Where the infrastructure or asset is not a pipe, the Maintenance Access Corridor is one metre from the asset’s border in all directions (e.g. a manhole)”.
The Stormwater and Land Drainage Bylaw 2022
The provisions are:
“Maintenance Access Corridor means the land required to access any part of the underground stormwater network for maintenance purposes.”
Clause 16:
Where the Council’s infrastructure or asset is a pipe, the Maintenance Access Corridor width is calculated by the Council as the greater of either:
(a) twice the buried depth of the pipe (surface to trench base), plus the outside diameter of the pipe; or
(b) 1.5 metres from either side of the centre of the pipe.
Where the infrastructure or asset is not a pipe, the Maintenance Access Corridor is one metre from the asset’s border in all directions (e.g. a manhole)”.
The corridor clearance requirements in the bylaw are measured horizontally from the nearest part of our network to your buildings/earthworks/improvements and also prohibits aerial encroachments such as gutters, building eaves and cantilevered structures.
Some houses, garages, and other buildings have in the past been built within the corridor. In such a situation, you may not be able to rebuild your house, garage or other building in exactly the same place or to the same design.
Private improvements such as minor landscaping structures, private services, decorative hardstand/paving, trees/tree roots are also controlled in this maintenance access corridor along with earthworks such as gravel raft foundations etc.
You should also check the title of the property for any relevant easements. You will need to design any new structure so it also complies with any easement and, as a minimum, is located so every part of the structure (including overhangs and other private improvements) complies with the corridor clearance requirements in the bylaw.
For more detailed information please refer to Check where the network is located.