Sometimes written approval from affected neighbours and other parties is needed for a resource consent application to be processed on a non-notified basis. Written approvals are also needed for a permitted boundary activity consent exemption.
Written approvals should be obtained with the Written Approval of Affected Persons form P-003, found on the Forms and checksheets page.
When requesting written approvals, please note that:
For a resource consent application, the final decision on who is affected is made by senior Council officers or a Commissioner. The extent of affected persons depends very much on the type of building or activity proposed. Every application has to be considered independently as the circumstances of each application are unique.
If you are a neighbour considering whether to give written approval to an application, you need to be aware that if you give your approval the Council will be unable to take account of any adverse (negative) effects the proposal may have on you or your property when it makes a decision on whether to grant or refuse a resource consent application, or when it issues an exemption for a permitted boundary activity. Written approvals for resource consent applications may be withdrawn before a decision is made by the Council, however written approvals for permitted boundary activities cannot be withdrawn.
Refer to the neighbour's written approval information sheet [PDF, 60 KB] for more information for both applicants and neighbours.
If you have any questions about either obtaining or providing written approval you can contact the Council’s Duty Planner. Please include your phone number if you would like the Duty Planner to call you.