Engaging a lighting designer /engineer early on at the draft site layout stage offers a greater range of options for how best to light the external (including communal) spaces throughout your development. Considering lighting options early also contributes to a safe and welcoming environment after hours. Additionally, it is likely to also save you time and cost in the consenting process through the early coordination of servicing cabling, tree locations, and fencing prior to concrete paths and driveways being poured.
If a site layout includes some safety (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) concerns in terms of safe access and sightlines in and out of the development, Council may request a Lighting Plan as part of a Request for Information (RFI). This is the typical wording you may see:
Residential Design Principle 14.15.1 h. requires consideration of CPTED principles, including provision for good visibility with effective lighting. Please provide an exterior Lighting Plan, prepared by a qualified lighting designer. This Plan shall detail how the lighting will meet sub-categories PR5 (carparks, open space, bike and bin areas) and PP5 (shared pedestrian access ways) of NZS1158.3.1, and be controlled and supplied throughout the lifetime of the development. Information about lighting plans is available on our website.
For other applications, where a Lighting Plan is needed and not submitted as part of the application, it will be required as a condition of consent.
Standard lighting plan conditions are:
- Prior to the lodgement of building consent, the consent holder shall provide an exterior lighting plan by a qualified lighting designer to the Head of Planning and Consents (or their nominee) for acceptance via rcmon@ccc.govt.nz. This plan shall detail how the lighting will meet sub-categories PR5 (car parks, open space, bike and bin areas) and PP5 (shared pedestrian access ways) of NZS1158.3.1, and be controlled and supplied throughout the lifetime of the development.
- The accepted lighting plan shall be maintained and replaced as necessary to ensure it meets condition 1 throughout the lifetime of the development.
The following information should be included in the lighting plans provided to Council:
- Confirmation that it has been prepared by a qualified lighting designer.
- A plan illustrating illuminance levels at each grid point over the site area (also referred to as a photometric lighting plan).
- A table of calculations demonstrating and stating compliance with the relevant sub-category of NZS1158.3.1 which may include both horizontal and vertical illuminance. Note: For any solar systems proposed, these need to be calculated for mid-winter given that NZS1158.3.1 requires consistent lighting throughout the year/calculations should demonstrate compliance with the standard.
- A plan outlining the light locations, lighting/luminaire types, pole mounting heights, any outreach arm types, and aiming or tilt angles of lights.
- An ongoing maintenance strategy for any solar lighting must be produced by the consent holder or lighting designer. This must include a statement that demonstrates how maintenance responsibilities for the solar lighting (i.e. batteries and other components) will be met by every owner of the development. Mechanisms include by way of a residents' association and/or via a land covenant on each title.
- Coordination between the Lighting Plan and the Landscape Plan, with particular attention paid to the vertical elements that can obstruct light, the placement of poles and fittings near windows and access paths, and maintenance opportunities for tree planting. Multifunctional use of light poles for e-charging vehicles is also encouraged.