- 29 January 2025(external link): NZVD2016, Wind assessments, and Pathway 14B
- 19 December 2024(external link): PC 14 Decisions
- 26 September 2024:(external link) Lighting Plans
- 24 June 2024(external link): Resource management fee changes
- 20 May 2024(external link): Final submissions filed for Plan Change 14.
- 17 April 2024:(external link) Planning pre-application meetings/advice suspended until July 2024.
- 14 March 2024:(external link) s223 and s224 certification.
- 3 August 2023:(external link) General update on processing timeframes.
- 26 July 2023(external link): Environment Court releases final rules on Plan Change 4 short-term accommodation.
- 13 March 2023(external link): Planning pre-application advice service resumes; updates to floor-level requirements.
- 23 February 2023:(external link) Update on PC13 and PC14, including status of proposed rules and MDRS.
- 21 September 2022:(external link) Update on Proposed Plan Change 14 that Council decided not to notify on 13 September.
- 13 September 2022: Council voted against notifying the Proposed Plan Change 14 Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS). You can read more about their decision on Newsline(external link).
- August 2022:(external link) Getting ready to apply new Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS).
- July 2022:(external link) An update on New Medium Density Residential Standards - Notice of updated timeline(external link).
- April 2022(external link): New Manager Resource Consents, Plan change towards more intensive housing.
- November 2021(external link): Consent processing delay update.
- October 2021:(external link) Subdivisions update: engineering, NES for greenfield subdivisions, easements over reserves and A&I forms.
- June 2021:(external link) Multi-unit developments, billboards and processing consistency.
- March 2020:(external link) ESCP and TMP conditions updated, have your say on the draft DC policy.
- October 2020:(external link) Road naming and property numbering.
- September 2020:(external link) RMA changes.
- August 2020:(external link) High Flood Hazard Management Area, ground-level information and DC payments for subdivisions.
- December 2019: (external link)Character areas and stormwater approvals.
- April 2019: (external link)Site coverage exemptions, urban design certification, multi-unit developments, plan changes and timeframe tips.
- September 2018:(external link) Living space windows, sensitive activities near roads and railways and common omissions from plans.
- June 2018: [PDF, 357 KB] Hill site applications, floor level certificate expiry and recession plane exemptions.
- March 2018: [PDF, 166 KB] Draft conditions and return of incomplete applications.