Alcohol licences

If you want to sell or supply alcohol, you must hold a current alcohol licence. Apply for a licence or renew or change an existing licence.

Preliminary enquiries

Discuss your proposed new premises with Alcohol Licensing Inspectors before applying for any new licence applications or variation to a licence.

Premises Certificate of Compliance (Alcohol)

All licensed premises must have a Certificate of Compliance.

Temporary authority

Allows the new owner of a licensed premise to trade on an existing licence until they obtain a new licence in their own name.

Lodgement meeting

Required to file your application for a new premises licence or variation application.


Allows the sale and supply of alcohol for drinking at the specified licensed premises.


Allows the sale and delivery of alcohol for drinking off the premises and the supply of complimentary samples of alcohol on the premises.

Club licence

Allows a club to sell alcohol for drinking on club premises to its members and their guests.

Special licence for events

Temporarily extends the hours or the area of premises currently licensed, or licences one-off events where alcohol will be present.

Processing your licence application

Step-by-step guide to what happens when you apply for an alcohol licence.

Renew your licence

To renew your alcohol licence you must apply at least 20 days before it expires

Variations to alcohol licences

Some changes to your business may need a variation to your licence conditions.


Age limits for people allowed at licensed premises.

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