Proposed changes to Cranford Street and the surrounding area

We’re proposing changes to Cranford Street and the surrounding roads to coincide with the completion of the Christchurch Northern Corridor. We’d like to hear your thoughts on how to make this work for commuters and local communities.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 26 April 2018 to 4 June 2018

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Consultation has now closed

People provided feedback from end of April to Monday 4 June 2018.

Below are links to the feedback received, attachments received, and a feedback summary.


Next steps

  • Submissions will be heard by the Papanui-Innes Community Board on Monday 6 August 2018.
  • After this meeting, the Independent Traffic Expert will make his recommendation by way of a draft Downstream Effects Traffic Mitigation Plan, which will outline remedial steps required (if any) to avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse traffic effects. This draft plan will be reported through the Community Board to Council.
  • Council will then be engaging with any potentially affected owners and occupiers of the streets identified by the Independent Traffic Expert in the draft Mitigation Plan. 
  • The recommendations set out in the final Mitigation Plan will then be reported through the Community Board to Council.
  • Council will develop the details and programme for delivery of the transport projects identified in the Mitigation Plan.  These projects will be individually reported through the Community Board to the Council for approval. 

Why we need to make changes

We’re expecting a significant increase in people travelling on Cranford Street when the Christchurch Northern Corridor(external link) opens in 2020. The Christchurch Northern Corridor will improve travel times to and from the north of the city. It will decrease the number of people driving in some areas such as Main North Road and increase the number of people using parts of Cranford Street.

We need to make some changes to Cranford Street and the surrounding streets to improve the travel times for people travelling through and minimise people taking short cuts through side streets which could affect local residents.

Why are we consulting?

Where is the traffic coming from?

What is the traffic impact?

Proposed Cranford Street clearway and one-way connections

Proposal to reduce traffic on side streets

Drop in sessions

Time and date Location

Monday 7 May, anytime between 4pm – 7pm

St Albans School, 17 Sheppard Place, St Albans

Thursday 10 May, anytime between 10am – 2pm

English Park, Cranford Street, St Albans

Wednesday 16 May, anytime between 4pm – 7pm

Paparoa Street School, 120 Paparoa Street, Papanui

Thursday 17 May, anytime between 10am – 2pm

Edgeware Bowling Club, St Albans Park 6 Forfar Street, Edgeware

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Who to contact

How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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