<?xml version="1.0"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <channel> <title>Updates to Sustainable Events Canterbury page</title> <link>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/sustainable-events-canterbury/changes</link> <atom:link href="https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/sustainable-events-canterbury/changes" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"></atom:link> <item> <title>Sustainable Events Canterbury</title> <link>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/sustainable-events-canterbury</link> <description> <div><p> <div class="container ps-md-0 pe-md-0 ctablock-container"> <div class="ctablock card no-img"> <div class="card-header"> <h3>Register your event for the Sustainable Events Canterbury project</h3> </div> <div class="card-body"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-outlined" onclick="window.location.href=&#039;https://ccc.tfaforms.net/434&#039;"><span>Apply</span></button> </div> <img src="https://southerncentre.com/_resources/themes/ccc-default/dist/images/call-to-action-pattern.png" class="ctablock-bg"> </div> </div> </p> <p><div class="page-content accordion-section-wrapper" ccc="section"> <div class="accordion-section-expand-collapse"> <button class="accordion-section-opencloseall-button" style="display:none">Open all</button> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">The project</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>The Sustainable Events Canterbury initiative brings together the efforts of Christchurch City Council’s Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) initiative and Selwyn District Council’s Selwyn Events Sustainably Initiative.</p> <p>This consolidation aims to simplify things for event organisers and exhibitors within the wider Christchurch region so that regardless of whether the event is in Lincoln or Linwood, the packaging requirements will be the same, minimising waste and maximising landfill diversion through the use of approved compostable packaging and effective waste-sorting practices.</p> <p>Participating events operate a closed-loop system where all food is served in approved compostable packaging. Both food scraps and packaging go into designated green bins for local composting.</p> <p>It's important to note that while numerous products claim to be compostable, there are no New Zealand standards to prevent false claims, so this initiative only endorses packaging that has been vetted by the Council and local compost facilities to guarantee compatibility with our composting processes and standards.</p> <p>Each event provides three waste streams for public use, similar to home kerbside bins but with event-specific distinctions:</p> <ul> <li>Green&nbsp;for organics, including food and approved compostable packaging (unlike regular green bins that exclude packaging).</li> <li>Yellow&nbsp;for clean cardboard, plastic bottles, drink cans, and glass bottles (mirroring standard recycling practices).</li> <li>Rer for landfill waste including all lids.</li> </ul> <p>Some events, depending on budget, deploy bin ambassadors at stations to educate attendees on proper waste disposal practices.</p> <p>All waste generated at events undergoes rigorous hand-sorting by trained staff or volunteers. This meticulous process is essential to eliminate contamination in compost and recycling streams, thereby optimizing landfill diversion.&nbsp;Despite providing dedicated bins, events often experience high contamination rates, necessitating this sorting process for materials to be accepted at local processing facilities.</p> <p>Through these measures, Sustainable Events Canterbury not only enhances environmental stewardship at events but also sets a precedent for sustainable event management practices across Christchurch.</p> <p>If you want to divert waste from your event to recycling and compost, you can talk to our events development team via <a href="mailto:eventsdevelopment@ccc.govt.nz">eventsdevelopment@ccc.govt.nz</a> or talk to your waste management provider.</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Why you should participate</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Participating in this project offers a fantastic opportunity for event organisers to make a positive impact on the environment.</p> <p>As event organisers, we have a shared responsibility to minimise our events' environmental footprint. By embracing sustainable practices, you'll enhance the culture of your event, demonstrating leadership in sustainable event management and encouraging attendees to join the movement.</p> <p>With the Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw now in effect, it’s essential for events to address waste management proactively.</p> <p>Engaging in sustainable practices can also boost your chances of securing funding and sponsorship, and help build your reputation within the industry. Plus, by participating, you'll be supporting local businesses and contributing to the city’s sustainability goals.</p> <p>For more details on how to get involved, please refer to the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Sustainable-Events-Canterbury-Organiser-Guide.pdf">Sustainable Events Canterbury: Organisers Guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 150 KB]</span>.</p> <p>If you're ready to take the next step, simply <a class="external" rel="external" href="https://ccc.tfaforms.net/434">complete the online application<span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a>.</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Waste minimisation for events </h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p> </p><div ccc="blockquote" class="blockquote " style="&quot;width:100%;&quot;"> <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Event-Waste-Guide-Sep24.pdf">Canterbury Event Waste Sustainability Guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.3 MB]</span> </div> <p>In Christchurch, our vision is to create a more vibrant city through memorable events. We recognise the value these events provide to our community, but we’re also aware of the negative impacts that waste generated at events can have on our natural environment.</p> <p>In line with circular economy thinking, we're taking action to minimise these impacts through sustainable event management practices.</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Approved compostable packaging</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Approved compostable packaging, as listed in the exhibitor guide below, is sent to local facilities in Christchurch and Selwyn based on the event location.&nbsp;These facilities can only accept packaging that meets international composting standards and other local requirements.</p> <p>Since many products on the market claim to be compostable without proper standards in New Zealand, our initiative only endorses packaging that has been thoroughly vetted.</p> <p>Please note that due to recent changes to what can be accepted at the facilities our list of approved packaging has been updated. Composting standards and requirements do change occasionally, so the list may change again as new developments occur.</p> <p>Exhibitors, which include food vendors, stall holders or caterers who have participated in this project in the past, will be notified of any changes to the approved packaging list via email.</p> <p> </p><div ccc="blockquote" class="blockquote " style="&quot;width:100%;&quot;"> <p>The recent changes to the list of approved packaging include the removal of products which contain intentionally added PFAS, the removal of products which had expired certificates, and the removal of products which contain coloured inks, including napkins and straws. </p></div> <p>For the complete list of approved packaging and conditions for food vendors, please refer to the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Sustainable-Events-Canterbury-Exhibitor-Guide.pdf">Sustainable Events Canterbury Exhibitor Guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 398 KB]</span>.</p> <p>While approved compostable packaging used at events can be purchased by the public or taken home, it must be disposed of in your red bin at home.</p> <p>In a controlled event setting, these products are managed effectively. However, if placed in your green bin at home, they cannot be differentiated from non-compostable items, which can interfere with the composting process. Therefore, all event-related food packaging should go into your red bin at home.</p> <p>At present, only events in Christchurch and Selwyn participating in this project can commercially compost their food and packaging waste. Other cities in New Zealand might have different requirements and standards for compost processing.</p> <p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/services/rubbish-and-recycling/greenbin">More information on what can go in your green bin at home</a>.</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Guides and support documents</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><ul> <li><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Event-Waste-Guide-Sep24.pdf">Canterbury Event Waste Sustainability Guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.3 MB]</span></li> <li><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Sustainable-Events-Canterbury-Organiser-Guide.pdf">Sustainable Events Canterbury: Organisers guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 150 KB]</span></li> <li><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Sustainable-Events-Canterbury-Exhibitor-Guide.pdf">Sustainable Events Canterbury: Exhibitor guide and approved packaging list</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 398 KB]</span></li> </ul><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-line"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div></p> <ins> <p><span data-teams="true">Image credit: Without Waste.</span></p> </ins></div> </description> <pubDate>Wed, 23 Oct 2024 16:35:57 +1300</pubDate> <guid>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/sustainable-events-canterbury</guid> </item> <item> <title>Composting food packaging at events project</title> <link>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</link> <description> <div><em>Title has changed:</em> <del>Composting food packaging at events project</del> <ins>Sustainable Events Canterbury</ins></div> <div><p><del>The project involves getting food vendors at the events to use only Council–approved compostable food packaging.</del> <ins> <div class="container ps-md-0 pe-md-0 ctablock-container"> <div class="ctablock card no-img"> <div class="card-header"> <h3>Register your event for the Sustainable Events Canterbury project</h3> </div> <div class="card-body"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-outlined" onclick="window.location.href=&#039;https://ccc.tfaforms.net/434&#039;"><span>Apply</span></button> </div> <img src="https://southerncentre.com/_resources/themes/ccc-default/dist/images/call-to-action-pattern.png" class="ctablock-bg"> </div> </div> </ins></p> <p><del>Since the project started in 2017, 150 tonnes of waste has been diverted away from landfill and into other waste streams. This is 76% of all event waste.</del> <ins><div class="page-content accordion-section-wrapper" ccc="section"> <div class="accordion-section-expand-collapse"> <button class="accordion-section-opencloseall-button" style="display:none">Open all</button> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">The project</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>The Sustainable Events Canterbury initiative brings together the efforts of Christchurch City Council’s Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) initiative and Selwyn District Council’s Selwyn Events Sustainably Initiative.</p> <p>This consolidation aims to simplify things for event organisers and exhibitors within the wider Christchurch region so that regardless of whether the event is in Lincoln or Linwood, the packaging requirements will be the same, minimising waste and maximising landfill diversion through the use of approved compostable packaging and effective waste-sorting practices.</p> <p>Participating events operate a closed-loop system where all food is served in approved compostable packaging. Both food scraps and packaging go into designated green bins for local composting.</p> <p>It's important to note that while numerous products claim to be compostable, there are no New Zealand standards to prevent false claims, so this initiative only endorses packaging that has been vetted by the Council and local compost facilities to guarantee compatibility with our composting processes and standards.</p> <p>Each event provides three waste streams for public use, similar to home kerbside bins but with event-specific distinctions:</p> <ul> <li>Green&nbsp;for organics, including food and approved compostable packaging (unlike regular green bins that exclude packaging).</li> <li>Yellow&nbsp;for clean cardboard, plastic bottles, drink cans, and glass bottles (mirroring standard recycling practices).</li> <li>Rer for landfill waste including all lids.</li> </ul> <p>Some events, depending on budget, deploy bin ambassadors at stations to educate attendees on proper waste disposal practices.</p> <p>All waste generated at events undergoes rigorous hand-sorting by trained staff or volunteers. This meticulous process is essential to eliminate contamination in compost and recycling streams, thereby optimizing landfill diversion.&nbsp;Despite providing dedicated bins, events often experience high contamination rates, necessitating this sorting process for materials to be accepted at local processing facilities.</p> <p>Through these measures, Sustainable Events Canterbury not only enhances environmental stewardship at events but also sets a precedent for sustainable event management practices across Christchurch.</p> <p>If you want to divert waste from your event to recycling and compost, you can talk to our events development team via <a href="mailto:eventsdevelopment@ccc.govt.nz">eventsdevelopment@ccc.govt.nz</a> or talk to your waste management provider.</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Why you should participate</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Participating in this project offers a fantastic opportunity for event organisers to make a positive impact on the environment.</p> <p>As event organisers, we have a shared responsibility to minimise our events' environmental footprint. By embracing sustainable practices, you'll enhance the culture of your event, demonstrating leadership in sustainable event management and encouraging attendees to join the movement.</p> <p>With the Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw now in effect, it’s essential for events to address waste management proactively.</p> <p>Engaging in sustainable practices can also boost your chances of securing funding and sponsorship, and help build your reputation within the industry. Plus, by participating, you'll be supporting local businesses and contributing to the city’s sustainability goals.</p> <p>For more details on how to get involved, please refer to the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Sustainable-Events-Canterbury-Organiser-Guide.pdf">Sustainable Events Canterbury: Organisers Guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 150 KB]</span>.</p> <p>If you're ready to take the next step, simply <a class="external" rel="external" href="https://ccc.tfaforms.net/434">complete the online application<span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a>.</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Waste minimisation for events </h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p> </p><div ccc="blockquote" class="blockquote " style="&quot;width:100%;&quot;"> <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Event-Waste-Guide-Sep24.pdf">Canterbury Event Waste Sustainability Guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.3 MB]</span> </div> <p>In Christchurch, our vision is to create a more vibrant city through memorable events. We recognise the value these events provide to our community, but we’re also aware of the negative impacts that waste generated at events can have on our natural environment.</p> <p>In line with circular economy thinking, we're taking action to minimise these impacts through sustainable event management practices.</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Approved compostable packaging</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Approved compostable packaging, as listed in the exhibitor guide below, is sent to local facilities in Christchurch and Selwyn based on the event location.&nbsp;These facilities can only accept packaging that meets international composting standards and other local requirements.</p> <p>Since many products on the market claim to be compostable without proper standards in New Zealand, our initiative only endorses packaging that has been thoroughly vetted.</p> <p>Please note that due to recent changes to what can be accepted at the facilities our list of approved packaging has been updated. Composting standards and requirements do change occasionally, so the list may change again as new developments occur.</p> <p>Exhibitors, which include food vendors, stall holders or caterers who have participated in this project in the past, will be notified of any changes to the approved packaging list via email.</p> <p> </p><div ccc="blockquote" class="blockquote " style="&quot;width:100%;&quot;"> <p>The recent changes to the list of approved packaging include the removal of products which contain intentionally added PFAS, the removal of products which had expired certificates, and the removal of products which contain coloured inks, including napkins and straws. </p></div> <p>For the complete list of approved packaging and conditions for food vendors, please refer to the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Sustainable-Events-Canterbury-Exhibitor-Guide.pdf">Sustainable Events Canterbury Exhibitor Guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 398 KB]</span>.</p> <p>While approved compostable packaging used at events can be purchased by the public or taken home, it must be disposed of in your red bin at home.</p> <p>In a controlled event setting, these products are managed effectively. However, if placed in your green bin at home, they cannot be differentiated from non-compostable items, which can interfere with the composting process. Therefore, all event-related food packaging should go into your red bin at home.</p> <p>At present, only events in Christchurch and Selwyn participating in this project can commercially compost their food and packaging waste. Other cities in New Zealand might have different requirements and standards for compost processing.</p> <p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/services/rubbish-and-recycling/greenbin">More information on what can go in your green bin at home</a>.</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Guides and support documents</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><ul> <li><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Event-Waste-Guide-Sep24.pdf">Canterbury Event Waste Sustainability Guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.3 MB]</span></li> <li><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Sustainable-Events-Canterbury-Organiser-Guide.pdf">Sustainable Events Canterbury: Organisers guide</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 150 KB]</span></li> <li><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Sustainable-Events-Canterbury-Exhibitor-Guide.pdf">Sustainable Events Canterbury: Exhibitor guide and approved packaging list</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 398 KB]</span></li> </ul><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-line"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div></ins></p> <del> <p>We are encouraging more and more events to take part and reduce their impact on the environment, so please get in touch if you want to hear more and see how you can be involved.</p> <p>Contact Rachel Dunford, Events Partnerships &amp; Development Advisor – <a href="mailto:Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz">Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz</a></p> <p><div class="page-content accordion-section-wrapper" ccc="section"> <div class="accordion-section-expand-collapse"> <button class="accordion-section-opencloseall-button" style="display:none">Open all</button> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">The project</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) is a Council-led initiative created to support the events industry in diverting waste to our local waste facilities. As the name indicates, the focus sits with the food packaging because at large-scale and/or food-focused events most of the waste comes from food packaging or single use items used at events. Therefore the current concept fits best with any large-scale, or food-focused event rather than smaller community events where food is not a big contributor to waste.&nbsp;</p><p>At a CFPE event we have the three waste streams available for the public to use - green for organics, yellow for recycling and red for landfill.&nbsp; All food at the event will be served in Council approved compostable packaging so that the food scraps and packaging can all go into the green bin and be composted at the local organics facility in Christchurch. At most of the events we'll also have bin ambassadors at the bin stations to guide and educate the public on which bin the item goes into.&nbsp;</p><p>Behind the scenes, the waste management provider sorts through all waste produced at the event (from all waste streams) to maximise the amount of waste diverted and to eliminate any contamination to compost and recycling.&nbsp;</p><p>Council's role is to lead project, ensure consistency and make advances along the way.&nbsp; We hold the relationship with the waste facilities, managing approvals of new packaging into the project, training food vendors and supporting event organisers to be more sustainable.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Approved compostable packaging</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMzFd/Image-7.jpg" alt="Child putting recycling into the bin" width="350" height="231"></p><p>Check out the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Events/CFPE/CFPE-Approved-Manual.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events manual</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 745 KB]</span> for the full list of approved products, and the conditions for taking part in the project.&nbsp;</p><p>Although approved composting food packaging for events&nbsp;can be purchased by the public, they must still go in your red bin at home.</p><p>The use of these products at events is in a controlled, managed event situation. If they go in your green bin at home, there is no way to distinguish these products from the unacceptable compostable or biodegradable products and it risks having your bin stickered or not collected.</p><p>Currently, only events participating in Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) initiative can commercially compost their event waste (food and packaging) in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><p><a title="Information on what can go in your Green bin at home. " href="https://southerncentre.com/services/rubbish-and-recycling/greenbin">More information on what can go in your green bin at home.</a></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Events sustainability partner: Total Waste Solutions</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwxOTdd/Image-5.JPG" alt="Fireworks above recycling bins" width="350" height="197">Partway through&nbsp;trial two Council made the decision to take on a sustainability partner as a full provider of both infrastructure and waste sorting services at our events.</p><p><a class="external" rel="external" href="https://totalwastesolutions.co.nz/">Total Waste Solutions <span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a>came on board and is responsible for all aspects of composting food packaging at Council events, as well as a number of other events.</p><p>They have also invested in purpose-built infrastructure to support composting food packaging at events, helping the initiative to not only be environmentally sustainable but also economically sustainable for both Council-produced and other major events taking place in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 1.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzgwMCwyMzNd/Image-3.jpg" alt="Infographic showing the 61% of waste bing recycled" width="800" height="233">The first trial took place across three large public events in February 2017. The three events included two Council-produced public events - Sparks and Christchurch Lantern Festival - and one partnership trial event with Christchurch Night Noodle Markets.</p><p>Before this initiative, all waste from events was most likely sent to landfill. There was no composting stream available citywide for events and even if there were yellow bins at an event, the recycling was too contaminated to be accepted unless hand-sorted.</p><p>The three events had an estimated 190,000 attendees between them and diverted 12 tonnes of waste, which amounted to a total of 61% of all the waste generated from the three trial events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Event-Compostable-Trial-Results-booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 1.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.1 MB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 2.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzg1NSwzMTBd/Image-4.jpg" alt="Donut chart showing 75% recycling waste diverted" width="855" height="310">After a successful first trial, the Council then extended the range of compostable food packaging to four suppliers, increasing the range of packaging for the food vendors.</p><p>We also went from three events to 43 Council and non-Council events between April 2017 to May 2019. The Council worked hard to assist and advise events on how to participate in the composting food packaging guidelines.</p><p>All of the organic compostable food packaging products at these events were hand-sorted and sent to the Living Earth composting facility.</p><p>In total, this trial diverted 87 tonnes from landfill to compost and recycling, which was 75% of the total waste from these events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/CFPE-Trial-2-Summary-Booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 2.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 941 KB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">What’s next</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMTRd/Image-6.JPG" alt="Row of bins" width="350" height="214">The CFPE initiative has been viewed as a success by food vendors, event organisers, and the wider public.&nbsp;This has changed the landscape of how we produce events in our city.</p><p>The CFPE initiative is growing rapidly. More and more events internally and externally want to participate and now facilities and other communities in Christchurch are also wanting to make more sustainable choices.</p><p>Council is now working on how the initiative will be made permanently available to events and become more accessible to a wider range of events.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-line"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div></p> </del></div> </description> <pubDate>Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:15:15 +1300</pubDate> <guid>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</guid> </item> <item> <title>Composting food packaging at events project</title> <link>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</link> <description> <div><p>The project involves getting food vendors at the events to use only Council–approved compostable food packaging.</p> <p>Since the project started in 2017, 150 tonnes of waste has been diverted away from landfill and into other waste streams. This is 76% of all event waste.</p> <p>We are encouraging more and more events to take part and reduce their impact on the environment, so please get in touch if you want to hear more and see how you can be involved.</p> <p>Contact Rachel Dunford, Events Partnerships &amp; Development Advisor – <a href="mailto:Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz">Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz</a></p> <p><div class="page-content accordion-section-wrapper" ccc="section"> <div class="accordion-section-expand-collapse"> <button class="accordion-section-opencloseall-button" style="display:none">Open all</button> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">The project</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) is a Council-led initiative created to support the events industry in diverting waste to our local waste facilities. As the name indicates, the focus sits with the food packaging because at large-scale and/or food-focused events most of the waste comes from food packaging or single use items used at events. Therefore the current concept fits best with any large-scale, or food-focused event rather than smaller community events where food is not a big contributor to waste.&nbsp;</p><p>At a CFPE event we have the three waste streams available for the public to use - green for organics, yellow for recycling and red for landfill.&nbsp; All food at the event will be served in Council approved compostable packaging so that the food scraps and packaging can all go into the green bin and be composted at the local organics facility in Christchurch. At most of the events we'll also have bin ambassadors at the bin stations to guide and educate the public on which bin the item goes into.&nbsp;</p><p>Behind the scenes, the waste management provider sorts through all waste produced at the event (from all waste streams) to maximise the amount of waste diverted and to eliminate any contamination to compost and recycling.&nbsp;</p><p>Council's role is to lead project, ensure consistency and make advances along the way.&nbsp; We hold the relationship with the waste facilities, managing approvals of new packaging into the project, training food vendors and supporting event organisers to be more sustainable.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Approved compostable packaging</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMzFd/Image-7.jpg" alt="Child putting recycling into the bin" width="350" height="231"></p><p>Check out the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Events/CFPE/CFPE-Approved-Manual.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events manual</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 745 KB]</span> for the full list of approved products, and the conditions for taking part in the project.&nbsp;</p><p>Although approved composting food packaging for events&nbsp;can be purchased by the public, they must still go in your red bin at home.</p><p>The use of these products at events is in a controlled, managed event situation. If they go in your green bin at home, there is no way to distinguish these products from the unacceptable compostable or biodegradable products and it risks having your bin stickered or not collected.</p><p>Currently, only events participating in Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) initiative can commercially compost their event waste (food and packaging) in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><p><a title="Information on what can go in your Green bin at home. " href="https://southerncentre.com/services/rubbish-and-recycling/greenbin">More information on what can go in your green bin at home.</a></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Events sustainability partner: Total Waste Solutions</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwxOTdd/Image-5.JPG" alt="Fireworks above recycling bins" width="350" height="197">Partway through&nbsp;trial two Council made the decision to take on a sustainability partner as a full provider of both infrastructure and waste sorting services at our events.</p><p><a class="external" rel="external" href="https://totalwastesolutions.co.nz/">Total Waste Solutions <span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a>came on board and is responsible for all aspects of composting food packaging at Council events, as well as a number of other events.</p><p>They have also invested in purpose-built infrastructure to support composting food packaging at events, helping the initiative to not only be environmentally sustainable but also economically sustainable for both Council-produced and other major events taking place in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 1.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzgwMCwyMzNd/Image-3.jpg" alt="Infographic showing the 61% of waste bing recycled" width="800" height="233">The first trial took place across three large public events in February 2017. The three events included two Council-produced public events - Sparks and Christchurch Lantern Festival - and one partnership trial event with Christchurch Night Noodle Markets.</p><p>Before this initiative, all waste from events was most likely sent to landfill. There was no composting stream available citywide for events and even if there were yellow bins at an event, the recycling was too contaminated to be accepted unless hand-sorted.</p><p>The three events had an estimated 190,000 attendees between them and diverted 12 tonnes of waste, which amounted to a total of 61% of all the waste generated from the three trial events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Event-Compostable-Trial-Results-booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 1.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.1 MB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 2.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzg1NSwzMTBd/Image-4.jpg" alt="Donut chart showing 75% recycling waste diverted" width="855" height="310">After a successful first trial, the Council then extended the range of compostable food packaging to four suppliers, increasing the range of packaging for the food vendors.</p><p>We also went from three events to 43 Council and non-Council events between April 2017 to May 2019. The Council worked hard to assist and advise events on how to participate in the composting food packaging guidelines.</p><p>All of the organic compostable food packaging products at these events were hand-sorted and sent to the Living Earth composting facility.</p><p>In total, this trial diverted 87 tonnes from landfill to compost and recycling, which was 75% of the total waste from these events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/CFPE-Trial-2-Summary-Booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 2.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 941 KB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">What’s next</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMTRd/Image-6.JPG" alt="Row of bins" width="350" height="214">The CFPE initiative has been viewed as a success by food vendors, event organisers, and the wider public.&nbsp;This has changed the landscape of how we produce events in our city.</p><p>The CFPE initiative is growing rapidly. More and more events internally and externally want to participate and now facilities and other communities in Christchurch are also wanting to make more sustainable choices.</p><p>Council is now working on how the initiative will be made permanently available to events and become more accessible to a wider range of events.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-line"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div></p></div> </description> <pubDate>Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:16:13 +1300</pubDate> <guid>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</guid> </item> <item> <title>Composting food packaging at events project</title> <link>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</link> <description> <div><p>The project involves getting food vendors at the events to use only Council–approved compostable food packaging.</p> <p>Since the project started in 2017, 150 tonnes of waste has been diverted away from landfill and into other waste streams. This is 76% of all event waste.</p> <p>We are encouraging more and more events to take part and reduce their impact on the environment, so please get in touch if you want to hear more and see how you can be involved.</p> <p>Contact Rachel Dunford, Events Partnerships &amp; Development Advisor – <a href="mailto:Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz">Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz</a></p> <p><del><img width="850" height="561" alt="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/2021/November/102923__ResizedImageWzg1MCw1NjFd.jpg" loading="lazy" class="leftAlone ss-htmleditorfield-file image" title="102923"> </del> <ins><div class="page-content accordion-section-wrapper" ccc="section"> <div class="accordion-section-expand-collapse"> <button class="accordion-section-opencloseall-button" style="display:none">Open all</button> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">The project</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) is a Council-led initiative created to support the events industry in diverting waste to our local waste facilities. As the name indicates, the focus sits with the food packaging because at large-scale and/or food-focused events most of the waste comes from food packaging or single use items used at events. Therefore the current concept fits best with any large-scale, or food-focused event rather than smaller community events where food is not a big contributor to waste.&nbsp;</p><p>At a CFPE event we have the three waste streams available for the public to use - green for organics, yellow for recycling and red for landfill.&nbsp; All food at the event will be served in Council approved compostable packaging so that the food scraps and packaging can all go into the green bin and be composted at the local organics facility in Christchurch. At most of the events we'll also have bin ambassadors at the bin stations to guide and educate the public on which bin the item goes into.&nbsp;</p><p>Behind the scenes, the waste management provider sorts through all waste produced at the event (from all waste streams) to maximise the amount of waste diverted and to eliminate any contamination to compost and recycling.&nbsp;</p><p>Council's role is to lead project, ensure consistency and make advances along the way.&nbsp; We hold the relationship with the waste facilities, managing approvals of new packaging into the project, training food vendors and supporting event organisers to be more sustainable.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Approved compostable packaging</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMzFd/Image-7.jpg" alt="Child putting recycling into the bin" width="350" height="231"></p><p>Check out the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Events/CFPE/CFPE-Approved-Manual.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events manual</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 745 KB]</span> for the full list of approved products, and the conditions for taking part in the project.&nbsp;</p><p>Although approved composting food packaging for events&nbsp;can be purchased by the public, they must still go in your red bin at home.</p><p>The use of these products at events is in a controlled, managed event situation. If they go in your green bin at home, there is no way to distinguish these products from the unacceptable compostable or biodegradable products and it risks having your bin stickered or not collected.</p><p>Currently, only events participating in Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) initiative can commercially compost their event waste (food and packaging) in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><p><a title="Information on what can go in your Green bin at home. " href="https://southerncentre.com/services/rubbish-and-recycling/greenbin">More information on what can go in your green bin at home.</a></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Events sustainability partner: Total Waste Solutions</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwxOTdd/Image-5.JPG" alt="Fireworks above recycling bins" width="350" height="197">Partway through&nbsp;trial two Council made the decision to take on a sustainability partner as a full provider of both infrastructure and waste sorting services at our events.</p><p><a class="external" rel="external" href="https://totalwastesolutions.co.nz/">Total Waste Solutions <span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a>came on board and is responsible for all aspects of composting food packaging at Council events, as well as a number of other events.</p><p>They have also invested in purpose-built infrastructure to support composting food packaging at events, helping the initiative to not only be environmentally sustainable but also economically sustainable for both Council-produced and other major events taking place in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 1.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzgwMCwyMzNd/Image-3.jpg" alt="Infographic showing the 61% of waste bing recycled" width="800" height="233">The first trial took place across three large public events in February 2017. The three events included two Council-produced public events - Sparks and Christchurch Lantern Festival - and one partnership trial event with Christchurch Night Noodle Markets.</p><p>Before this initiative, all waste from events was most likely sent to landfill. There was no composting stream available citywide for events and even if there were yellow bins at an event, the recycling was too contaminated to be accepted unless hand-sorted.</p><p>The three events had an estimated 190,000 attendees between them and diverted 12 tonnes of waste, which amounted to a total of 61% of all the waste generated from the three trial events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Event-Compostable-Trial-Results-booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 1.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.1 MB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 2.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzg1NSwzMTBd/Image-4.jpg" alt="Donut chart showing 75% recycling waste diverted" width="855" height="310">After a successful first trial, the Council then extended the range of compostable food packaging to four suppliers, increasing the range of packaging for the food vendors.</p><p>We also went from three events to 43 Council and non-Council events between April 2017 to May 2019. The Council worked hard to assist and advise events on how to participate in the composting food packaging guidelines.</p><p>All of the organic compostable food packaging products at these events were hand-sorted and sent to the Living Earth composting facility.</p><p>In total, this trial diverted 87 tonnes from landfill to compost and recycling, which was 75% of the total waste from these events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/CFPE-Trial-2-Summary-Booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 2.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 941 KB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">What’s next</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMTRd/Image-6.JPG" alt="Row of bins" width="350" height="214">The CFPE initiative has been viewed as a success by food vendors, event organisers, and the wider public.&nbsp;This has changed the landscape of how we produce events in our city.</p><p>The CFPE initiative is growing rapidly. More and more events internally and externally want to participate and now facilities and other communities in Christchurch are also wanting to make more sustainable choices.</p><p>Council is now working on how the initiative will be made permanently available to events and become more accessible to a wider range of events.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-line"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div></ins></p> <del> <p><div class="page-content accordion-section-wrapper" ccc="section"> <div class="accordion-section-expand-collapse"> <button class="accordion-section-opencloseall-button" style="display:none">Open all</button> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">The project</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) is a Council-led initiative created to support the events industry in diverting waste to our local waste facilities. As the name indicates, the focus sits with the food packaging because at large-scale and/or food-focused events most of the waste comes from food packaging or single use items used at events. Therefore the current concept fits best with any large-scale, or food-focused event rather than smaller community events where food is not a big contributor to waste.&nbsp;</p><p>At a CFPE event we have the three waste streams available for the public to use - green for organics, yellow for recycling and red for landfill.&nbsp; All food at the event will be served in Council approved compostable packaging so that the food scraps and packaging can all go into the green bin and be composted at the local organics facility in Christchurch. At most of the events we'll also have bin ambassadors at the bin stations to guide and educate the public on which bin the item goes into.&nbsp;</p><p>Behind the scenes, the waste management provider sorts through all waste produced at the event (from all waste streams) to maximise the amount of waste diverted and to eliminate any contamination to compost and recycling.&nbsp;</p><p>Council's role is to lead project, ensure consistency and make advances along the way.&nbsp; We hold the relationship with the waste facilities, managing approvals of new packaging into the project, training food vendors and supporting event organisers to be more sustainable.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Approved compostable packaging</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMzFd/Image-7.jpg" alt="Child putting recycling into the bin" width="350" height="231"></p><p>Check out the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Events/CFPE/CFPE-Approved-Manual.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events manual</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 745 KB]</span> for the full list of approved products, and the conditions for taking part in the project.&nbsp;</p><p>Although approved composting food packaging for events&nbsp;can be purchased by the public, they must still go in your red bin at home.</p><p>The use of these products at events is in a controlled, managed event situation. If they go in your green bin at home, there is no way to distinguish these products from the unacceptable compostable or biodegradable products and it risks having your bin stickered or not collected.</p><p>Currently, only events participating in Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) initiative can commercially compost their event waste (food and packaging) in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><p><a title="Information on what can go in your Green bin at home. " href="https://southerncentre.com/services/rubbish-and-recycling/greenbin">More information on what can go in your green bin at home.</a></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Events sustainability partner: Total Waste Solutions</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwxOTdd/Image-5.JPG" alt="Fireworks above recycling bins" width="350" height="197">Partway through&nbsp;trial two Council made the decision to take on a sustainability partner as a full provider of both infrastructure and waste sorting services at our events.</p><p><a class="external" rel="external" href="https://totalwastesolutions.co.nz/">Total Waste Solutions <span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a>came on board and is responsible for all aspects of composting food packaging at Council events, as well as a number of other events.</p><p>They have also invested in purpose-built infrastructure to support composting food packaging at events, helping the initiative to not only be environmentally sustainable but also economically sustainable for both Council-produced and other major events taking place in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 1.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzgwMCwyMzNd/Image-3.jpg" alt="Infographic showing the 61% of waste bing recycled" width="800" height="233">The first trial took place across three large public events in February 2017. The three events included two Council-produced public events - Sparks and Christchurch Lantern Festival - and one partnership trial event with Christchurch Night Noodle Markets.</p><p>Before this initiative, all waste from events was most likely sent to landfill. There was no composting stream available citywide for events and even if there were yellow bins at an event, the recycling was too contaminated to be accepted unless hand-sorted.</p><p>The three events had an estimated 190,000 attendees between them and diverted 12 tonnes of waste, which amounted to a total of 61% of all the waste generated from the three trial events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Event-Compostable-Trial-Results-booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 1.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.1 MB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 2.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzg1NSwzMTBd/Image-4.jpg" alt="Donut chart showing 75% recycling waste diverted" width="855" height="310">After a successful first trial, the Council then extended the range of compostable food packaging to four suppliers, increasing the range of packaging for the food vendors.</p><p>We also went from three events to 43 Council and non-Council events between April 2017 to May 2019. The Council worked hard to assist and advise events on how to participate in the composting food packaging guidelines.</p><p>All of the organic compostable food packaging products at these events were hand-sorted and sent to the Living Earth composting facility.</p><p>In total, this trial diverted 87 tonnes from landfill to compost and recycling, which was 75% of the total waste from these events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/CFPE-Trial-2-Summary-Booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 2.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 941 KB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">What’s next</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMTRd/Image-6.JPG" alt="Row of bins" width="350" height="214">The CFPE initiative has been viewed as a success by food vendors, event organisers, and the wider public.&nbsp;This has changed the landscape of how we produce events in our city.</p><p>The CFPE initiative is growing rapidly. More and more events internally and externally want to participate and now facilities and other communities in Christchurch are also wanting to make more sustainable choices.</p><p>Council is now working on how the initiative will be made permanently available to events and become more accessible to a wider range of events.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-line"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div></p> </del></div> </description> <pubDate>Wed, 07 Dec 2022 11:56:55 +1300</pubDate> <guid>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</guid> </item> <item> <title>Composting Food Packaging at Events project</title> <link>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</link> <description> <div><em>Title has changed:</em> Composting <del>Food Packaging</del> <ins>food packaging</ins> at <del>Events</del> <ins>events</ins> project</div> <div><p>The project involves getting food vendors at the events to use only Council–approved compostable food packaging.</p> <p>Since the project started in 2017, 150 tonnes of waste has been diverted away from landfill and into other waste streams. This is 76% of all event waste.</p> <p>We are encouraging more and more events to take part and reduce their impact on the environment, so please get in touch if you want to hear more and see how you can be involved.</p> <p>Contact Rachel Dunford, Events Partnerships &amp; Development Advisor <del>-</del> <ins>–</ins> <a href="mailto:Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz">Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz</a></p> <p><img width="850" height="561" alt="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/2021/November/102923__ResizedImageWzg1MCw1NjFd.jpg" loading="lazy" class="leftAlone ss-htmleditorfield-file image" title="102923"> </p> <p><div class="page-content accordion-section-wrapper" ccc="section"> <div class="accordion-section-expand-collapse"> <button class="accordion-section-opencloseall-button" style="display:none">Open all</button> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">The project</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) is a Council-led initiative created to support the events industry in diverting waste to our local waste facilities. As the name indicates, the focus sits with the food packaging because at large-scale and/or food-focused events most of the waste comes from food packaging or single use items used at events. Therefore the current concept fits best with any large-scale, or food-focused event rather than smaller community events where food is not a big contributor to waste.&nbsp;</p><p>At a CFPE event we have the three waste streams available for the public to use - green for organics, yellow for recycling and red for landfill.&nbsp; All food at the event will be served in Council approved compostable packaging so that the food scraps and packaging can all go into the green bin and be composted at the local organics facility in Christchurch. At most of the events we'll also have bin ambassadors at the bin stations to guide and educate the public on which bin the item goes into.&nbsp;</p><p>Behind the scenes, the waste management provider sorts through all waste produced at the event (from all waste streams) to maximise the amount of waste diverted and to eliminate any contamination to compost and recycling.&nbsp;</p><p>Council's role is to lead project, ensure consistency and make advances along the way.&nbsp; We hold the relationship with the waste facilities, managing approvals of new packaging into the project, training food vendors and supporting event organisers to be more sustainable.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Approved compostable packaging</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMzFd/Image-7.jpg" alt="Child putting recycling into the bin" width="350" height="231"></p><p>Check out the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Events/CFPE/CFPE-Approved-Manual.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events manual</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 745 KB]</span> for the full list of approved products, and the conditions for taking part in the project.&nbsp;</p><p>Although approved composting food packaging for events&nbsp;can be purchased by the public, they must still go in your red bin at home.</p><p>The use of these products at events is in a controlled, managed event situation. If they go in your green bin at home, there is no way to distinguish these products from the unacceptable compostable or biodegradable products and it risks having your bin stickered or not collected.</p><p>Currently, only events participating in Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) initiative can commercially compost their event waste (food and packaging) in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><p><a title="Information on what can go in your Green bin at home. " href="https://southerncentre.com/services/rubbish-and-recycling/greenbin">More information on what can go in your green bin at home.</a></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Events sustainability partner: Total Waste Solutions</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwxOTdd/Image-5.JPG" alt="Fireworks above recycling bins" width="350" height="197">Partway through&nbsp;trial two Council made the decision to take on a sustainability partner as a full provider of both infrastructure and waste sorting services at our events.</p><p><a class="external" rel="external" href="https://totalwastesolutions.co.nz/">Total Waste Solutions <span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a>came on board and is responsible for all aspects of composting food packaging at Council events, as well as a number of other events.</p><p>They have also invested in purpose-built infrastructure to support composting food packaging at events, helping the initiative to not only be environmentally sustainable but also economically sustainable for both Council-produced and other major events taking place in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 1.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzgwMCwyMzNd/Image-3.jpg" alt="Infographic showing the 61% of waste bing recycled" width="800" height="233">The first trial took place across three large public events in February 2017. The three events included two Council-produced public events - Sparks and Christchurch Lantern Festival - and one partnership trial event with Christchurch Night Noodle Markets.</p><p>Before this initiative, all waste from events was most likely sent to landfill. There was no composting stream available citywide for events and even if there were yellow bins at an event, the recycling was too contaminated to be accepted unless hand-sorted.</p><p>The three events had an estimated 190,000 attendees between them and diverted 12 tonnes of waste, which amounted to a total of 61% of all the waste generated from the three trial events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Event-Compostable-Trial-Results-booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 1.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.1 MB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 2.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzg1NSwzMTBd/Image-4.jpg" alt="Donut chart showing 75% recycling waste diverted" width="855" height="310">After a successful first trial, the Council then extended the range of compostable food packaging to four suppliers, increasing the range of packaging for the food vendors.</p><p>We also went from three events to 43 Council and non-Council events between April 2017 to May 2019. The Council worked hard to assist and advise events on how to participate in the composting food packaging guidelines.</p><p>All of the organic compostable food packaging products at these events were hand-sorted and sent to the Living Earth composting facility.</p><p>In total, this trial diverted 87 tonnes from landfill to compost and recycling, which was 75% of the total waste from these events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/CFPE-Trial-2-Summary-Booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 2.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 941 KB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">What’s next</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMTRd/Image-6.JPG" alt="Row of bins" width="350" height="214">The CFPE initiative has been viewed as a success by food vendors, event organisers, and the wider public.&nbsp;This has changed the landscape of how we produce events in our city.</p><p>The CFPE initiative is growing rapidly. More and more events internally and externally want to participate and now facilities and other communities in Christchurch are also wanting to make more sustainable choices.</p><p>Council is now working on how the initiative will be made permanently available to events and become more accessible to a wider range of events.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-line"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div></p></div> </description> <pubDate>Fri, 25 Feb 2022 11:20:14 +1300</pubDate> <guid>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</guid> </item> <item> <title>Composting Food Packaging at Events project</title> <link>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</link> <description> <div><em>Title has changed:</em> Composting <del>Food Packaging</del> <ins>food packaging</ins> at <del>Events</del> <ins>events</ins> project</div> <div><p>The project involves getting food vendors at the events to use only Council–approved compostable food packaging.</p><p>Since the project started in 2017, 150 tonnes of waste has been diverted away from landfill and into other waste streams. This is 76% of all event waste.</p><p>We are encouraging more and more events to take part and reduce their impact on the environment, so please get in touch if you want to hear more and see how you can be involved.&nbsp;</p><p>Contact Rachel Dunford, Events Partnerships &amp; Development Advisor -&nbsp;<a href="mailto:Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz">Rachel.Dunford@ccc.govt.nz&nbsp;</a></p><p>&nbsp;<img width="850" height="561" alt="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/2021/November/102923__ResizedImageWzg1MCw1NjFd.jpg" loading="lazy" class="leftAlone ss-htmleditorfield-file image" title="102923"> </p><p><div class="page-content accordion-section-wrapper" ccc="section"> <div class="accordion-section-expand-collapse"> <button class="accordion-section-opencloseall-button" style="display:none">Open all</button> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">The project</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p>Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) is a Council-led initiative created to support the events industry in diverting waste to our local waste facilities. As the name indicates, the focus sits with the food packaging because at large-scale and/or food-focused events most of the waste comes from food packaging or single use items used at events. Therefore the current concept fits best with any large-scale, or food-focused event rather than smaller community events where food is not a big contributor to waste.&nbsp;</p><p>At a CFPE event we have the three waste streams available for the public to use - green for organics, yellow for recycling and red for landfill.&nbsp; All food at the event will be served in Council approved compostable packaging so that the food scraps and packaging can all go into the green bin and be composted at the local organics facility in Christchurch. At most of the events we'll also have bin ambassadors at the bin stations to guide and educate the public on which bin the item goes into.&nbsp;</p><p>Behind the scenes, the waste management provider sorts through all waste produced at the event (from all waste streams) to maximise the amount of waste diverted and to eliminate any contamination to compost and recycling.&nbsp;</p><p>Council's role is to lead project, ensure consistency and make advances along the way.&nbsp; We hold the relationship with the waste facilities, managing approvals of new packaging into the project, training food vendors and supporting event organisers to be more sustainable.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Approved compostable packaging</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMzFd/Image-7.jpg" alt="Child putting recycling into the bin" width="350" height="231"></p><p>Check out the <a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Events/CFPE/CFPE-Approved-Manual.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events manual</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 745 KB]</span> for the full list of approved products, and the conditions for taking part in the project.&nbsp;</p><p>Although approved composting food packaging for events&nbsp;can be purchased by the public, they must still go in your red bin at home.</p><p>The use of these products at events is in a controlled, managed event situation. If they go in your green bin at home, there is no way to distinguish these products from the unacceptable compostable or biodegradable products and it risks having your bin stickered or not collected.</p><p>Currently, only events participating in Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) initiative can commercially compost their event waste (food and packaging) in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><p><a title="Information on what can go in your Green bin at home. " href="https://southerncentre.com/services/rubbish-and-recycling/greenbin">More information on what can go in your green bin at home.</a></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Events sustainability partner: Total Waste Solutions</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwxOTdd/Image-5.JPG" alt="Fireworks above recycling bins" width="350" height="197">Partway through&nbsp;trial two Council made the decision to take on a sustainability partner as a full provider of both infrastructure and waste sorting services at our events.</p><p><a class="external" rel="external" href="https://totalwastesolutions.co.nz/">Total Waste Solutions <span class="nonvisual-indicator">(external link)</span></a>came on board and is responsible for all aspects of composting food packaging at Council events, as well as a number of other events.</p><p>They have also invested in purpose-built infrastructure to support composting food packaging at events, helping the initiative to not only be environmentally sustainable but also economically sustainable for both Council-produced and other major events taking place in Christchurch.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 1.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzgwMCwyMzNd/Image-3.jpg" alt="Infographic showing the 61% of waste bing recycled" width="800" height="233">The first trial took place across three large public events in February 2017. The three events included two Council-produced public events - Sparks and Christchurch Lantern Festival - and one partnership trial event with Christchurch Night Noodle Markets.</p><p>Before this initiative, all waste from events was most likely sent to landfill. There was no composting stream available citywide for events and even if there were yellow bins at an event, the recycling was too contaminated to be accepted unless hand-sorted.</p><p>The three events had an estimated 190,000 attendees between them and diverted 12 tonnes of waste, which amounted to a total of 61% of all the waste generated from the three trial events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/Event-Compostable-Trial-Results-booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 1.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 1.1 MB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">Composting food packaging at events: Trial 2.0</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="leftAlone greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzg1NSwzMTBd/Image-4.jpg" alt="Donut chart showing 75% recycling waste diverted" width="855" height="310">After a successful first trial, the Council then extended the range of compostable food packaging to four suppliers, increasing the range of packaging for the food vendors.</p><p>We also went from three events to 43 Council and non-Council events between April 2017 to May 2019. The Council worked hard to assist and advise events on how to participate in the composting food packaging guidelines.</p><p>All of the organic compostable food packaging products at these events were hand-sorted and sent to the Living Earth composting facility.</p><p>In total, this trial diverted 87 tonnes from landfill to compost and recycling, which was 75% of the total waste from these events.</p><p><a href="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Documents/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/CFPE-Trial-2-Summary-Booklet.pdf">Composting Food Packaging at Events (CFPE) – Trial 2.0 summary</a><span class="fileExt"> [PDF, 941 KB]</span></p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-item "> <summary class="accordion-section-trigger"> <span class="accordion-section-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa-sharp fa-light fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <h2 class="accordion-section-title">What’s next</h2> </summary> <div class="accordion-section-content"><p><img class="right greyline" title="" src="https://southerncentre.com/assets/Images/News-Events/Events/Running-an-event/Composting-food-packaging/_resampled/ResizedImageWzM1MCwyMTRd/Image-6.JPG" alt="Row of bins" width="350" height="214">The CFPE initiative has been viewed as a success by food vendors, event organisers, and the wider public.&nbsp;This has changed the landscape of how we produce events in our city.</p><p>The CFPE initiative is growing rapidly. More and more events internally and externally want to participate and now facilities and other communities in Christchurch are also wanting to make more sustainable choices.</p><p>Council is now working on how the initiative will be made permanently available to events and become more accessible to a wider range of events.&nbsp;</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div> </div> <div class="accordion-section-line"></div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div></p></div> </description> <pubDate>Fri, 25 Feb 2022 11:20:14 +1300</pubDate> <guid>https://southerncentre.com/news-and-events/events/running-an-event/composting-food-packaging-at-events</guid> </item> </channel> </rss>